A prayer for healing

If you desire to pray for the power to
receive healing or if you just want to
release your faith for health and wholeness
You can receive right now
Jesus is where you are right this moment

Jesus is the healer;
Your part is to say and do.
So you say these things out loud.

You say;
Jesus is my healer
He bore my sicknesses and my diseases and pain
I expect to receive now.
Pray this prayer in faith and mean it with your whole heart
Accept it and believe it!

Father, the word of God, that I have heard and confess
is the power of God unto my salvation
I confess that Jesus Christ is Lord
over my life, spirit, soul and body
I receive the power of God to make me whole,
sound, deliver, saved and healed now
I act on the word of God and receive His power

Sickness, disease and pain
I resist you in the name of Jesus
You are not the will of God
I enforce the word of God on you
I will not tolerate you in my life
Leave my presence,
I will never allow you back
I have been healed and made sound
Jesus made me whole
My days of sickness and disease are over

I am the saved, I am the healed and the power of
sickness has been forever broken over my life
Jesus bore my sickness
Jesus bore my weakness
Jesus bore my pain and I am free
No sickness, no sin, no fear, no evil addiction
shall lord it over me any longer
I have been redeemed from the curse
and I receive the blessing
I proclaim my freedom in Jesus name

The gospel is the power of God to me, unto my salvation
I receive the gospel, I act on the gospel and I am
made whole in the name of the lord Jesus Christ.


The intention of this blog is to share prayer samples, reflections, verses and music to christians through social media. All prayer samples are collected from booklets and internets. This is our way of giving back all the blessings we have receive from God. And this is our commitment, to serve humanity by means of reaching out to the lost soul through social media. We encourage everyone to keep praying, keep the faith and remain steadfast.


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