Heaven's Grocery Store

I was walking down life's highway
a long, long time ago.
One day I saw a sign that read,
As I got a little closer, the door opened wide,
and I found myself standing inside.

I saw a host of ANGELS.
They were standing everywhere.
One handed me a basket and said,
"My Child, shop with care."

Everything a human needed
was in that grocery store.
And if you couldn't carry it all,
you could come back the next day for more.

First, I got some PATIENCE.
LOVE was in the same row.
Further down was UNDERSTANDING,
you need that everywhere you go.

I got a box or two of WISDOM,
a bag or two of FAITH.
I just couldn't miss the HOLY GHOST,
for it was all over the place.

I stopped to get some STRENGTH and COURAGE
By then my basket was getting full,
but I remembered I needed some GRACE.

I didn't forget SALVATION,
for SALVATION was free.
So I tried to get enough of that
to save both you and me.

Then I started up to the counter
to pay my grocery bill.
For I thought I had everything
to do the MASTER'S will.

As I went up the aisle, I saw PRAYER;
and I just had to put that in,
for I knew when I stepped outside,
I would run into sin.

PEACE and JOY were plentiful;
they were last on the shelf.
SONG and PRAISE were hanging near,
so I just helped myself. 

Then I said to the angel,
"Now, how much do I owe?"

He smiled again and said,  "MY CHILD,

© Ron DeMarco

The intention of this blog is to share prayer samples, reflections, verses and music to christians through social media. All prayer samples are collected from booklets and internets. This is our way of giving back all the blessings we have receive from God. And this is our commitment, to serve humanity by means of reaching out to the lost soul through social media. We encourage everyone to keep praying, keep the faith and remain steadfast.


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