Watch how this man faced his trials in life

A Motivational Video about Life
This is a motivational video dedicated to those who are at the edge of their lives, feeling lost, alone, unloved, unappreciated, unworthy and helpless. Watch this young man how he faced his trials in life.

God never promised and easy life but he has promised to his faithful one that he will walk beside them in their journey.  In Jeremiah 29:13"You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart". Never doubt God's insurmountable capability to change the direction of your life. "For I know the plans I have for you,"declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11.

There are sometimes in life when you’re falling down. When you feel you don’t have the strength to get back up. so, you put a mask in your face and you pretend everything is ok when its are not. And you go home lying in your bed, when no one is looking at you, you don’t have to impress anybody- only yourself. 

The intention of this blog is to share prayer samples, reflections, verses and music to christians through social media. All prayer samples are collected from booklets and internets. This is our way of giving back all the blessings we have receive from God. And this is our commitment, to serve humanity by means of reaching out to the lost soul through social media. We encourage everyone to keep praying, keep the faith and remain steadfast.


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