Listen to 4 Hours Uplifting Christian Music
Holy is the Lord | Amazing Love | We Fall Down | Blessed be your Name | God of Wonders | Breathe | Come now is the Time to Worship | Here I am to Worship | Draw me close to you | How Great is our God | Open the eyes of my heart | Forever | The Motions | There Will be a Day | Slow Fade | I Will Rise | I Will Not be Moved | In the Hands of God | Wait and See | A New hallelujah | Yours | My Deliverer | How He Loves | What Would Life be Like | He Is | Savior, Please | You're not Shaken | City on our Knees | Revelation | Free to be me | By Your Side | The Lost Get Found | Keys to the Kingdom | Beautiful Ending | Whatever you're doing | The meaning of life | Never be the Same | Two hands | All Along | Forever | Forgiven and Loved | The Words I would Say | With Arms Wide Open | Come, now is the time to worship | My Redeemer Lives | Every Move I make | God of Wonder | Above All | Breathe | Blessed Assurance | He Knows my Name | You are Worthy of my Praise | Open the eyes of my heart | Let the River Flow | As the Deer | You Shine | Let it Rise | Lord, I lift your name on high | Redeemer, Savior, Friend | Everlasting God | Amazing Grace | I can only Imagine